Polish Toledo

This blog is associated with www.polishtoledo.com

Monday, December 16, 2013

EU's Most Dynamic Economy

With much of Europe still struggling to recover from the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, Poland stands out as an unlikely island of economic success, a place where companies and individuals plan for growth rather than decline.

In 2009, when the gross domestic product of the European Union contracted by 4.5 percent, Poland didn't feel the crisis. Poland was the only country in the union to see its economy grow, by 1.6 percent. The EU economy as a whole remains smaller than it was at the beginning of 2009 and isn't expected to recover its losses until the end of next year. In that same period, Poland is projected to enjoy a cumulative growth of more than 16 percent. 

How Poland Became Europe's Most Dynamic Economy

Poles Smarter Than Yanks

Shall we all move to Poland?

Results from the latest PISA exams — the Program for International Student Assessment — show Poland’s high school students finished ninth among developed nations in science and 10th in reading.

American students ranked 28th and 24th, respectively.

What the U.S. could learn from Poland is this: Its schools once were in the dumps. But Poland started using standardized tests to discover where students needed help, elevated academic standards, wouldn't accept poverty as an excuse, and gave schools not more money, but more autonomy. Poland spends about half of what U.S. schools do per student. So money alone isn't the answer. 

Those reforms didn't take root easily, but over time Poland's scores improved. The PISA exams, which the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development administers every three years, focus on applying classroom knowledge to real-world problems.

How can the U.S. keep future students from also falling behind?

Poland's answer is to not give up on kids. The country faced enormous poverty during decades of communism. But it rejected the notion that kids born into poverty couldn't meet higher academic standards

Poland an Outsourcing Magnet

"Hello, this is Stas, how can I help you?"

Poland has become the destination of choice for companies operating in the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), according to the report “BPOland Potential and Prospects”. The report was prepared by the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ). 

Poland currently has over 110,000 people employed in 400 BPO centres, and the market has been growing steadily by over +20% per annum since 2008.

Over the past year, Poland outpaced India in the rate of job creation and project expansions in the BPO sector. Employment in the sector has grown mainly as a result of expansions by existing companies; such as State Street, Hewlett Packard and HSBC, but also thanks to new investors coming to Poland. 

It's a GAS

Poland's test extractions of shale gas are the biggest seen in Europe so far. Eager to reduce energy dependency on Russia, Poland has succeeded after three international firms quit drilling in the country.

PKN Orlen, a Polish refiner, is also expected to announce the production results of tests at its well in Syczyn in eastern Poland, one of the most promising in the country.

Three international majors, Exxon Mobil, Marathon Oil, and Talisman Energy, dropped out of the program after they failed to hit their targets. According to a June report by US Energy Information Administration (EIA), the estimates for Poland's shale gas resources have fallen from 187 trillion to 148 trillion cubic meters.

Poland imports up to 70 percent of its gas from Russia and is eager to reduce its energy reliance on its neighbor. The country issued more than 100 shale gas exploration licenses to local and international firms which have drilled 48 wells so far.

ConocoPhillips, is now extracting  80,000 cubic feet of shale gas per day at a test well in the northern city of Lebork, Poland. Although the productivity of the site is lower than at gas fields in the US or Canada, it is still a breakthrough and marks the first positive result for shale gas extraction in Europe, according to the Poland's Chief Geologist Piotr Wozniak.

Marathon Sex

English version at end of this post.

Anna Lisewska. Maraton z seksem w roli głównej. Czternaście dni trwającej zabawy, dwa miasta Bydgoszcz i Warszawa oraz stu dwudziestu chętnych mężczyzn. To najbardziej aktualne liczby związane z seksmaratonem, w który postanowiła wybrać się 21-letnia dziewczyna zamieszkująca Warszawę. Choć nie ma „żywych” dowodów na istnienie Ani Lisewskiej, to jej profil wygląda bardzo wiarygodnie.

O oryginalnym rekordzie, który chce ustalić 21-latka od kilku dni dyskutuje cała Polska. Szczególne poruszenie wywołała jej aktywność w internecie. Mowa o Ani Lisewskiej, która jeżdżąc po polskich miastach, chce przespać się ze 100 tysiącami mężczyzn. W ostatni weekend dziewczyna pojawiła się w Bydgoszczy, gdzie do hotelowego pokoju zaprosiła 110 mężczyzn. Wcześniej po inauguracyjnym spotkaniu w Warszawie jej licznik wskazywał dziesięć osób.

Anna Lisewska. Maraton z seksem. Sieć aktywna

Na fejsbukowym profilu Ani Lisewskiej co chwilę pojawiają się wpisy związane z przygotowaniami do odwiedzin kolejnych miast seksmaratonu. Pojawił się nawet specjalny blog, na którym autorka publikuje nie tylko swoje przemyślenia, ale ukazuje też maile „zainteresowanych” facetów. Jeden z nowszych wpisów na tablicy Ani jest zaproszeniem do Warszawy. Bowiem w nadchodzący weekend (7-9 czerwca) znowu pojawi się w Stolicy. Jak sama mówi oczekuje dużej ilości zgłoszeń.

„To zwykła prostytutka”

Komentarze pojawiające się na profilu Ani Lisewskiej są różnorodne. Niektóre z nich popierają zachowanie 21-latki, inne zaś negują mają nadzieję, że to żart albo marna prowokacja. I choć pojawiają się hasła w stylu „jesteś prostytutką” i „życzę choroby wenerycznej” to nie wszystkie z nich są kasowane przez dziewczynę.

Jeden z internautów odniósł się do wyzwania związanego z tak wielką liczbą, zdaniem wielu nieosiągalną. – „30 min na faceta = 48 numerków na dzień. 100 000 / 48 = 2 083 dni "pracy". 2 038 dni pracy / 104 dni weekendowe w roku = 19,59 lat. Generalnie nie licząc finansów na dojazdy i hotele - skończy po 40-tce”

Anna Lisewska. Maraton z seksem. Prawda czy fałsz?

Blog, profil na portalu społecznościowym, fotografie. To wszystko wygląda bardzo wiarygodnie. I kiedy tylko chcemy uwierzyć w istnienie Ani Lisewskiej, to pojawiają się wątpliwości. Żaden ze stu dwudziestu mężczyzn nie napisał, nawet anonimowo, że widział się z dziewczyną. I choć 723 osoby „polubiły” już jej profil, to mało jest tych, którzy mówią – „wierzę w jej istnienie”.

Twenty-One year old Ania Lisewska is allegedly attempting to have sex with at least 100,000 men for 20 minutes each.

"I want men from Poland, Europe and all around the world. I love sex, fun and men," she said, according to the Austrian Times. "In Poland the subject of sex is still taboo and anyone who wants to fulfill their sexual fantasies is considered a deviant, a whore or mentally ill."

The supposed sex marathon allegedly began last month in Warsaw, according to her Facebook page, and she hopes to have her way across Poland before moving to other countries.

So far, she's had sex with 284 men, according to Fakt.pl and didn't let the fact she has a serious boyfriend stop her.

He told the Polish language website he was "not thrilled" with her unusual hobby, but had no choice and "had to come to terms" with it.

Her Facebook page currently only has slightly more than 9,000 likes, but Lisewska is allegedly attempting to attract potential partners by setting up a website where they can register and kept apprised of her current activities.

Personally, I think it's a scam to promote a porn web site.