Polish Toledo

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Polish jokes are passé

Why Polish jokes are passé and American jokes are in vogue.

There is controversy over this ballot in Minnesota. Franken and the Democrats want it cancelled.

This is real frickin’ easy. Obviously it is an optical scanner read ballot. Directions are offered to the voter. Either the scanner counted the vote for Coleman if enough of the circle was blackened or it did not “see” enough contrast in the circle to have the vote count. Period. Either it’s pregnant or not pregnant. Just my guess, but it looks like the rabbit died. Why employee machines if loons are going to second-guess technology and second guess voter intent. Florida all over again, but with snow this time.

Just let the machine do its job.

BTW, Did you hear the one about the American that went to the voting polls? He was dumber than a voting Pole.

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