Polish Toledo

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Poland took 1 million Uke refugees already

President Andrzej Duda might call for a vote on whether the country should adhere to the European Union’s decision to shelter Muslim refugees The EU recently chastised neighboring Czech Republic for not adhering to its quotas for relocating troublesome migrants.

Great PR for Muslim Refugees
 The vote could coincide with 2019 general elections and could help prevent a future Polish administration from reversing the current government’s policy of rejecting the EU’s quota system. Prime Minister Beata Szydlo’s cabinet, led by the ruling Law & Justice Party, has said it won’t accept any of the refugees who have come to Europe from the Middle East and Africa in the continent’s worst migrant crisis since World War II.

Poland has accepted over 1 million from war torn Ukraine.

There have been no terror attacks in Poland. Over 40,000 Tatar Muslims have been living in peace and contributing to Polish society for nearly 500 years. They assimilate and do not advocate Sharia Law.  


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