Polish Toledo

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Poland up to speed

About two years ago I posted a story about Poland's new supercar called the Arrinera, which just might put a Lamborghini to shame. Body panels are made of space age materials consisting of carbon fiber and Kevlar, its 650 horsepower engine can reach 60mph in 3 seconds, (which is about the time it takes to pronounce a multi syllable Polish last name) and a long list of high tech items such as  thermal-imaging cameras definitely shows Poland it capable of manufacturing vehicles on the cutting edge of technology and at much less cost than other countries.

The same is true in the field of military hardware.

We've come a long way since the first tanks were little more than moving metal boxes with a little canon poking out of a turret. Since WWI a steady progression in design brought us to the Abrams M1A series first made in 1976 and is currently the gold standard in mechanized armor.

Now engineers are building a stealth tank armed with infrared camouflage and a radar profile that would make any fighter pilot jealous. And no, it's not being made by the United States.

The PL-01 is Poland's newest battle tank, and scheduled for production as early as 2018.

The tank has a 350-degree viewing arc for maximum situational awareness and fires a 120 mm gun at a rate of six rounds a minute. And if it's stealthy  as they claim it could slip through a battlefield undetected.

Watch the video to see its capabilities.


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