Polish Toledo

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lots of Apples

According to the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA),  Poland is expected to produce 3.2 million metric tons of apples in 2013. This will be the highest volume among EU member states. Total apple production in the EU is expected to be 10.8 million tons.

Last year, Poland produced 2.9 million tons of apples, according to WAPA, which made Poland an uncontested leader in the EU. The second largest EU apple producer was Italy with over 1.9 million tons, followed by France with 1.5 million tons and Germany with 800,000 tons.

Polish experts quoted by the Polish Press Agency are less optimistic than WAPA and estimate that apple production in Poland will fall to 2.6 million tons in 2013. This volume will still make Poland the largest apple producer in Europe and the third largest in the world (after China and the US).

Poland is also the largest producer of raspberries


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