Polish Woodstock 2009

About half a million people attended this year’s Przystanek Woodstock, one of Europe’s largest open-air music festivals, held in Kostrzyn-nad-Odra, on the German-Polish border. The festival in its 15th year is organized by Jerzy Owsiak, a famed Polish philanthropist. The event raises tons of money for charity, something the freaky, long haired, dope smoking, "capitalistic pigs" who organized the original American Woodstock did not.
Besides Polish and Euro acts, there is usually at least one American headliner in the three day event. Juliette Lewis, the American singer and actress, performed a tribute to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the original Woodstock held in upstate New York. Known for playing in movies like Natural Born Killers and What’s Eating Gilbert rape, Lewis played her new songs from the CD Terra Incognita. She was also joined on stage by Polish pop star Kasia Kowalska for a duet.
This year’s festival was also an opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the end of communism in Poland. Lech Walesa and Tadeusz Mazowiecki were the guest during the festival. The audience thanked Walesa for his fight against communism and its leaders.
I can't imagine Richard Nixon attending the original Woodstock in 1969 even thought both Lech and Tricky Dick in their own way fought Communism's ill affects on society and economics. At least Nixon opened up access to China which was absolutely brilliant. Luckily, we found an unlikely nation to finance our huge out of control national debt - - "For What it's Worth". - Buffalo Springfield.
Maybe Obama would be a hit at a modern day Woodstock in the U.S., but I'm thinkin' he might not be so welcome in a country that struggled so long to break the Communist yoke and inspiring the oppressed Eastern Block to good old fashioned American Liberty. Good Gosh! People in Poland today can actually afford to buy Levi's and stores actually are allowed to stock them like they did on the 1920's.
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