Out of wedlock

There is a growing number of people living in informal relationships who decide to have a child or married couples who decide not to. "Nowadays traditional marriage is perceived by many as a restriction", explains Prof. Krystyna Iglicka-Okolska. "Young people do not want to sign a marriage certificate. They prefer to stay in informal relationships and evolve". It is easier for them, than for their parents, to abandon the idea of getting married because the social pressure is not that strong any more.
The drop in the number of marriages in Poland does not necessarily mean the end of a traditional Polish family, claim sociologists. It is possible that the next generation will return to the traditional family model. In comparison to the rest of Europe, Poland is still a very traditional country. The latest polls show that, in Great Britain, up to 75 percent of women who had a child before turning 25, did not get married.
Source: thenews.pl
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