Taliban Killing Poles

The chances of recovering the body of the Polish engineer murdered by the Taliban militants in Pakistan are waning due to the demands made to the Pakistani government, writes Polish daily Dziennik.
In an interview with the paper, a son of one of the local mullahs has said that handing over the body can take just two days, but the Taliban always demand the release of other militants in return. Meanwhile, the government in Islamabad has so far declined to free any imprisoned Taliban.
Dziennik has also discovered that mullah Shah Abdul Aziz, who previously negotiated the release of Piotr Stañczak, and the handing over of his body following his death, has for the second time gone to the tribal areas on the border with Afghanistan. The previous mission was futile, as the Taliban demanded the release of 60 people, to which Washington firmly objected. Now the conditions have changed to four important commanders, writes the daily.
Source: Poland.pl 2009-03-01
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