Polish Toledo

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Truth in Vodka

The European Union Agriculture Ministers have given a broad definition as to constitutes the ingredients of vodka, much to the annyance of more traditional producers such as Poland. The European Parliament decided that spirits based on bananas and grapes can also be marketed under the vodka label from June next year.

This vodka battle within the EU has ended in Warsaw's defeat, which was pushing for a vodka definition that only comprised spirits distilled from rye, potatoes and molasses obtained from raw sugar.

The definition adopted by the EU ministers includes a provision which stipulates that vodka may also be distilled from other products, provided that relevant information is included in the label.

Poland can still win in another spirits definition dispute, however over fruit wine. The European Commission has withdrawn from its earlier suggestion and decided that it will be still allowed to produce wine form apples, currants or cherries and not grapes exclusively. The decision on this matter is to be made by the Ministers of Agriculture of 27 countries who on Monday started a two-day meeting in Brussels. The condition is, however, a radical reform of the EU wine market. The final decision is expected shortly.


At 11:24 PM , Blogger Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Well, if Poland refuses to lower their Vodka standards then they should eventually win the taste wars.

Except maybe amongst those that have no taste buds or are just looking for a cheap high...



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