Votes for Polka Needed in PA

Polka Hall of Famer Jolly Joe Timmer for years has tried to convince the state legislature to recognize polka as a symbol of Pennsylvania. But the state senators and representatives keep dancing around it.
Another bill that would make polka either Pennsylvania' s official folk music or dance is before the state legislature. Since 2001, six bills like it -- four in the House and two in the Senate -- have been introduced.
The House has approved polka legislation twice. But the senators have folded like accordions every time they've had a chance to okay it.
In the latest effort to recognize polka, state Rep. Richard Grucela and state Sen. Lisa Boscola are leading the band. They've introduced identical bills in the House and Senate that would make polka Pennsylvania' s state folk music.
Insects get more respect than Polish-Americans in Pennsylvania - the official state insect is the firefly. On the otherhand, the picture above shows Wisconsin's official polka symbol.
Labels: Pennsylvania, Polka, Wisconsin
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