Like gum on the sole of a shoe - hard to get rid of

More than 1,000 residents were evacuated from downtown Warsaw on Friday after construction workers unearthed a 1.5 ton gift from Nazi Germany.
"It's a big bomb shell, around 1.5 tons, so we have to take all necessary security measures," police Sgt. Andrzej Browarek from the Warsaw police said on TVN24 television. "There are explosive experts on site who will decide on how to remove the shell."
Police had set up medical points for older residents in the 30 C (86 F) heat, Browarek said.
Television footage showed heavy construction equipment inactive near the large, rusted bomb. A handful of tall apartment buildings surrounded the building site, in central Warsaw.
Warsaw was heavily bombed during fighting in World War II, sparked after Nazi Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, and many unexploded bombs remain strewn across the country.
Do they send the bill for bomb disposal to Berlin?
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